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Meet The Team
"[Alise Black Photographic Studios] The creative team behind MCVanities, we love them because they made comfortable the eclectic array of people we sent them… They operate in an environment filled with colour and movement where they have taken the daunting concept of sitting for a portrait and turned it into a candid session crammed with energy… They are the sum of their parts, which translated into the stunning collection of images they created… And they live in an ego-free zone that allows us to enjoy the fact that, given the opportunity, we all feel beautiful… Alise Black Studios – here at MCV we salute you. Thanks for making this project so exciting, so interesting and so completely unforgettable.“ Cath Pope, News Editor
Founding Company Director
Professional Photographer
Hair & Makeup Artist
Alise is a professional photographer with over twenty years industry experience. Alise has photographed a wide range of people firmly believing that everyone can and should be photographed with respect, dignity and creativity. Photography, makeup artistry, fashion styling, website and graphic design, all compliment her extensive artistic experience. Alise spends her time between Sydney & Melbourne, is married and has a huge extended family. Her passions are the arts, fashion, good wine and music.
Company Director Since 2014
Head Stylist
Customer Service Manager
Treia is a exceptional stylist with over ten years experience. Treia has a eye for detail, colour and has a life long passion for photography. She is the shining force behind our customer service ethics. Treia is a professionally trained remedial massage therapist and former paramedic for Ambulance Victoria. Treia has been working with the studio since 2005 and has a strong belief in the creation of beautiful artwork. Treia enjoys modern architecture, clever design, fitness and spending time with family friends.
Marketing Manager
Tracy is an experienced and passionate marketer. She has worked in both corporate and start up businesses in Australia and overseas. She is focused on ensuring businesses represent their brand in the best light possible and deliver stand out customer service. She enjoys fitness, spending time with family and friends and very importantly good wine.
Professional Hair & Makeup Artists
Our professional makeup artists & hair stylists specialise in makeup application for fashion, television and photography and have outstanding attention to detail. All have more than 10 years professional experience.
Book Keeper
Natacha has been assisting with the books for Alise Black Photographic Studios since 2011. She has a formal background in child care and book keeping. Natacha keeps our team sane and she pays us, so we love her. She enjoys travel and spending time with her family and friends.
Nicole is a casual member of the team and has a background in customer service management and administration. Nicole provides assistance in the day to day running of the studio and to our core team.
Keeping everyone happy
Our beautiful little mini Groodles, keep everyone happy and smiling. Some clients have met them over the years however mostly, they love to sleep all day in the office. It has been proven that friendly dogs in the work place reduce levels of stress by over 50%. Ahhhhhh the zen!